Dzena is a platform specialized in Saudi industries and Saudi factories

April 6, 2024

Dzena platform 

The Dzena platform is a Saudi entrepreneurial platform that celebrates creative Saudi industries and supports Saudi entrepreneurs. This platform was established with the aim of promoting sustainable development in the Kingdom and encouraging diversity and innovation in the industrial sector. The Dzena platform includes a variety of creative industries in addition to the leadership programs and opportunities it offers to young innovators and entrepreneurs. 

The Dzena Project aims to enhance awareness of local industries and their role in achieving progress and development in the Kingdom.

The importance of the role of the Dzena in supporting Saudi industries

The Dzena platform plays an important role in supporting Saudi industries. It promotes sustainable development in the Kingdom and encourages expansion of the industrial sector. 

The Dzena platform provides support and assistance to entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized companies in Saudi Arabia, which contributes to the growth of these industries. 

In addition, Dzena works to enhance communication and interaction between entrepreneurs, experts and government agencies, which contributes to exchanging experiences and achieving progress in our local industries.

Saudi creative industries

Saudi industries are famous for creativity and excellence in various fields. Saudi initiatives and companies are growing on a large scale in areas such as technology, renewable energy, the food industry, and the plastics industry. 

There is also a strong interest in jewelry, fashion and furniture making. These industries are characterized by developing high-quality products and providing innovative solutions to consumers.

The presence of innovative Saudi industries contributes to achieving industrial integration in the Kingdom and creating new job opportunities.

Entrepreneurial opportunities across a Dzena

How do you support the Dzena Saudi entrepreneurs?

The Dzena platform is an ideal opportunity for Saudi entrepreneurs seeking to develop their ideas and turn them into successful projects. Dzena offers a stimulating, supportive environment where entrepreneurs can get help and guidance from experts in different fields. Dzena also provides opportunities to communicate and cooperate with Saudi industrial companies and build strong networks of relationships to develop their businesses.

Advantages offered by Dzena for innovators

Dzena provides a range of features that make it easier for innovators to achieve their success. It provides investment insights and opportunities to invest in innovative projects that are considered value-added to Saudi industries. 

Entrepreneurs also have the opportunity to access training programs, workshops and lectures that provide them with the experience and skills necessary for the success of their businesses.

Thanks to its role in supporting entrepreneurs, Dzena contributes to achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and enhancing its sustainable and innovative economy. 

Al-Rowad’s cooperation with Dzena provides real opportunities to improve and develop Saudi industries, build a promising future for youth, and create a positive change in society.

Dzena pays great attention to supporting young creatives in Saudi society. The platform organizes several programs that host young talents and offer them learning and development opportunities.

 Tailored workshops and training courses are provided for young people, where they learn new skills in areas such as design, crafts, marketing and others. 

Opportunities are also provided for young people to present their products and ideas through the platform, which contributes to supporting them and enhancing their successes.

Dzena’s role in promoting awareness of Saudi industries

Dzena plays an important role in enhancing awareness of Saudi industries. The platform works to highlight local companies and industrial leaders and highlight the quality and uniqueness of their products. This is achieved by providing them a platform to showcase their products and publish their success stories.

Thanks to Dzena's efforts, consumers can buy local products with greater confidence and awareness Where they can see the details, quality and innovation provided by the creativity of Saudi companies.

In addition, Dezen provides comprehensive information about local industries and industrial leaders through educational articles and videos published on the platform. This helps raise the level of awareness and knowledge among the public about Saudi creative industries.

In addition, Dzena organizes events and exhibitions to introduce people to local industries and showcase innovative products and ideas. This is done by hosting industry festivals and conferences where entrepreneurs and companies participate to promote their innovations.

Overall, Dezen plays an important role in improving and promoting the image of Saudi industries. It contributes to increasing the trend towards purchasing local products and supporting innovation and creativity in the industrial field in the Kingdom.


The Dzena platform is a pioneering platform that celebrates creative Saudi industries. Dzena plays an important role in promoting these industries by supporting Saudi innovators and entrepreneurs and providing them with leadership opportunities. Thanks to its diverse and innovative programmes, young creatives can develop their skills.

Dzena” is not just a platform, but rather a part of the fabric of Saudi industry, carrying the message of development and leadership to new horizons, thus supporting everyone who seeks to achieve success and excellence in the industrial sector. Thanks to the innovative advantages and services it provides, Dzena will remain a strategic partner for factories and companies, a major contributor to advancing industrial and economic development in the Kingdom

في عالم التجارة العالمية، تعد المتطلبات الجمركية للتصدير من أهم العوامل التي يجب مراعاتها بعناية. تنطوي هذه العملية على مجموعة متنوعة من الإجراءات والقوانين التي يجب اتباعها لضمان سلامة ونجاح عملية التصدير. وفي المملكة العربية السعودية، تأخذ هذه المتطلبات أبعاداً خاصة نظراً لأهمية القطاع الاقتصادي والتجاري في تطوير الاقتصاد الوطني. تهدف هذه المقالة إلى...